Thursday, 23 April 2020

Berkshire Hathaway in Trouble?

Most traders or business individuals know of Berkshire Hathaway.  If they don't know it by name they usually know the founder Warren Buffet.  Who began the multinational conglomerate which has made him famously wealthy. The company wholly owns some massive corporations and has holdings in a plethora of major corporations across the nation and world.  Warren Buffet has been hailed as one of the richest people in the world and also one of the wisest.  

He is followed by a horde of investors who attempt to match his every move.  His success is wide spread and well known and he has been known for succeeding even when the markets go down.  American FX  is also known for making wise investments and having some of its most profitable quarters by shorting markets when the market falls.
What is shocking is that Berkshire Hathaway is closing some of its owned businesses during the pandemic. He was quoted saying he is worreid about people who have 90% of their investments directly in his stock.  He is planning on protecting them and this is how they do it. They are valued at 450 billion dollars and own upwards to 90 companies and they have not disclosed whcih companies will be closeing and not reopening during the pandemic.  Corporate execuitves have been begging Berkshrie Hathaway for cash since they were able to accrue 128 billion last by the end of 2019 in cash.  Berkshire Hathway holds it annuel meeting on May the 2nd and they will disclose how well they did in Q1 and where they are going to be going. I think the stimulus packages that have been realsed are having an impact on this decision. 

The small business stimulus package ran out of money and currently the government is in discusssion on whether that fund will be increased.  Both sides of Congress are still arguing as to the benefits and how much moeny will be allocated to hospitals and small busienses.  They are also fighting about what other small types of stimulus they can sneek in for their own, Pork Projects”.  It is not known how fast they will come to a decision to extend small busienss loan program.  It is also not known if Berkshire Hathaway will invest in it and keep those small bsuiensses open when the economy starts back up again most likely in May. As per the usual we are not givign financial advice only talking about the market as it is.  Please see your local attorney, investment firm, or broker for financial advice.

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